Friday, March 28, 2014

WARNING-This is not a JOKE!

I am back on the blog scene for today at least! I took a trip down memory lane via my blog a few weeks ago and I thought I have to get back.

Where has time gone? That is a question that I ask myself more and more these days. (I think this question is top of mind, because I am getting older.) It is hard to believe that the last time I posted we had just moved from our first home together to our new home around the corner and now we have been living on Lakeside for almost 2 years. I told you time zips right by and I have had the best of intention to share our adventures in “fixing up” our house, but I never actually made it to the computer to capture. In case you are super sad to hear this I am here to tell you the beauty of buying an older home is you always have projects and I will share some with you.

As the days, months and years pass by things change in life and the Radford crew has been no exception. Let me bring you up to speed on the family.

Bryan had a job change in late August of last year. He is still legally pedaling drugs just with a different company. Bless his precious heart; he is still in law school. I am not sure how he works full time, goes to school 3 nights a weeks, studies endless hours, sneaks in video games, golf occasionally and marriage. I can honestly say on most days he amazes me. The end of school is insight and in May 2015 he will graduate. Can I get an AMEN?!?

I am still with the same company and on March 28th I will celebrate my 13th anniversary. Now that is hard for me to believe, what an awesome journey it has been. In October the piece of the organization that I serve in was revamped and I was placed into a different role. I for the past 7 years served the Eastern North Carolina market as an Associate Relations Manager. I am now a HR Strategic Business Partner for the Business and Government channel. Let me tell you what all that means, I now serve our directors that manage the Business and Government channel. This has been a shift for me, due to the fact that I do not have a defined territory so, I travel a good deal to be with my clients. There are good things about travel and not so good things about travel. However, I try to live by the words of Esther “I am chosen for such a time as this”. I still enjoy weekly bible studies with the girls, decorating our house and planning parties for anyone that gives me the honor.

Dowdy is still employed as the head of the Radford household. His parents have experienced change, but have no fear he is still the man in charge of it all. Dowdy’s days consist of being served breakfast and dinner, a walk if he is lucky and lots of naps. I have days when I just want to be Dowdy. Most days he is extremely happy with his life with the exception of yesterday, he had his teeth cleaned. Oh well, that is life and we all have to do things we don’t like to do.

Well, I have bored you with all the updates. If you have not given up on me I hope that you will stay tuned as I try my very best to keep this blog up to date. After all, I do want to be able to remember some things to share with our children.