This weekend was our first PIRATE football game! I love this time of the year when our Saturdays center around Pirate football. The best part is that we get to see all of our college friends almost every weekend. :)
ELR, KT, Tay
After the game Bryan, Taylor, Brad and myself headed to the beach to hang out with my Daddy, Ms. Terry, Cheryl and Uncle Horace. Dowdy went to stay with Meme and Tuff. Tuff is our families Boxer and he is a BIG boy. We were worried that he would not like Dowdy coming to visit, but he loves him.

On Sunday Dowdy turned a year old! I never thought that we would be so crazy over a dog, but he has taken over the Radford house. 
Bryan visits this pet store in Pinehurst often and he had them make a cake for Dowdy. Dowdy loved it!
Thanks Meme and Grammie for my gifts-I love them-Dowdy
Happy Birthday Dowdy!