My brother, Zachary, deployed last Tuesday for 90 days. This will be his 3rd deployment and I have to tell you that it is never an easy day when he leaves. I got up Tuesday morning and I was doing my normal routine when I sat down in the chair with my coffee to do my devotion only to discover that the devotion book I was using was upstairs. I thought well I will just grab another book off the shelf to read this morning. When I opened up the book and turned to August 25 this is the verse I read "He goes out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with him."-Psalm 126:6. The devotion went on to tell about a lady that had accepted the call to go to the mission field and even though she knew it was God's will she said that she cried a lot leaving her family behind. She said that even at 2 years of serving there are days when she weeps, but she knows at the end of day joy will follow. I put the book in the bag and I carried it with me all day. When Zack called to talk to me before he boarded I read it to him and I shared it with my mom too. I tell you in our time of need he is so FAITHFUL!! Zack arrived safely in Afghanistan at the end of last week. I have talked to him one time and he seems to be doing well. I ask that you please pray for his safety and peace. Also, please keep my family and his wife, Alex, in your prayers. I am so thankful for all those that are willing to go defend our freedom so I can sit at home each morning and have my quiet time in peace. If you have a solider out there please let me know so I can pray for them as well. 
Monday, August 31, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Summer Fun
I had two mini vacations with some of my favorite people. I wanted to share a few pics with you.
Each year we take a summer trip with Katie, Bryant, Stacey, Bryan, Taylor, and Brad. This year we went to the Outerbanks! This year was a little different the Meeks' could not join us since Bryan was recovering from back surgery and The Piners' joined us for the first time. Jackson kept us entertained.
I wonder what is on his mind?!?
I don't know if you have ever played the game "Imaginiff.."-it is really fun to play. We played on Saturday night and it was a lot fun. We did have to call the boys out for not playing fair a few times. :)
We have a pattern going on our summer trips. Every other year we get the news that someone is having a baby. We found out that Stacey was expecting Connor on our summer trip. Last year we did not get any exciting news and this year Tay got a special call. Her cousin, Lindsay called to tell her that she was going to have a little one. Who will be next on our trip??
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
What Do you Recommend??
A couple of years ago a few we started a Ladies Bible Study on Tuesday nights and it has been such a blessing. We have had the opportunity to grow so much together. We have done a couple Beth Moore studies, a Angela Thomas study, and a few Woman of Faith studies. We in the process of trying to decide what to do for the fall. Have you done a study recently that you would recommend?? If you do I would love to hear from you.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
A Deal for REAL!!!
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