Monday, August 31, 2009


My brother, Zachary, deployed last Tuesday for 90 days. This will be his 3rd deployment and I have to tell you that it is never an easy day when he leaves. I got up Tuesday morning and I was doing my normal routine when I sat down in the chair with my coffee to do my devotion only to discover that the devotion book I was using was upstairs. I thought well I will just grab another book off the shelf to read this morning. When I opened up the book and turned to August 25 this is the verse I read "He goes out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with him."-Psalm 126:6. The devotion went on to tell about a lady that had accepted the call to go to the mission field and even though she knew it was God's will she said that she cried a lot leaving her family behind. She said that even at 2 years of serving there are days when she weeps, but she knows at the end of day joy will follow. I put the book in the bag and I carried it with me all day. When Zack called to talk to me before he boarded I read it to him and I shared it with my mom too. I tell you in our time of need he is so FAITHFUL!! Zack arrived safely in Afghanistan at the end of last week. I have talked to him one time and he seems to be doing well. I ask that you please pray for his safety and peace. Also, please keep my family and his wife, Alex, in your prayers. I am so thankful for all those that are willing to go defend our freedom so I can sit at home each morning and have my quiet time in peace. If you have a solider out there please let me know so I can pray for them as well.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Summer Fun

I had two mini vacations with some of my favorite people. I wanted to share a few pics with you.

Each year we take a summer trip with Katie, Bryant, Stacey, Bryan, Taylor, and Brad. This year we went to the Outerbanks! This year was a little different the Meeks' could not join us since Bryan was recovering from back surgery and The Piners' joined us for the first time. Jackson kept us entertained.

I wonder what is on his mind?!?

I don't know if you have ever played the game "Imaginiff.."-it is really fun to play. We played on Saturday night and it was a lot fun. We did have to call the boys out for not playing fair a few times. :)

We have a pattern going on our summer trips. Every other year we get the news that someone is having a baby. We found out that Stacey was expecting Connor on our summer trip. Last year we did not get any exciting news and this year Tay got a special call. Her cousin, Lindsay called to tell her that she was going to have a little one. Who will be next on our trip??

Happy Birthday Melissa!!

My Aunt Angie, Uncle Charles, Caroline and Josiah always spend a week at Emerald Isle. I always have to stay a few days. This one of the highlights of my summer. I love spending time with them.


Justin, Caroline, Uncle Charles

Zack and Allie were staying at Atlantic Beach and they came and spent the day with us.

The Boys

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

What Do you Recommend??

A couple of years ago a few we started a Ladies Bible Study on Tuesday nights and it has been such a blessing. We have had the opportunity to grow so much together. We have done a couple Beth Moore studies, a Angela Thomas study, and a few Woman of Faith studies. We in the process of trying to decide what to do for the fall. Have you done a study recently that you would recommend?? If you do I would love to hear from you.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

A Deal for REAL!!!

My Saturday morning was pretty eventful. I started off by going for a 6 mile run with some girls in the neighborhood. That is for me a HUGE deal considering that I have never ran more than 4 miles at one time. After that I was ready for yardsale fun. The best part was all the yardsales were in my neighborhood. Above is a lamp I found. I paid a little too much for this one...$25. I really like it!
I can't pass up a bunny for $1.

My favorite DEAL I got this chair for $5 dollars. This chair came from a very upsale furniture store in our town and I could not believe the price. The cushion is worn so I will have to have it recovered. I have been wanting to do some different fabrics on one piece of furniture so I am so excited! I will show it to you when I get it covered. To see more great finds head over to